Saie Dew Crew | Shop Saie, stack points, earn rewards.

Free shipping on orders over $45+ to the contiguous US

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Pay with Catch and earn a 10% credit on every order!

Saie what?!

Unfortunately we do not ship to your location (yet). But you can still shop your Saie essentials at!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Dew Crew is our exclusive loyalty program where you’ll earn rewards for shopping Saie.

  • Joining The Dew Crew is free! Just sign up with your email, create a password, and you’re in.

    Create an account here..

  • Every time you shop Saie, you’ll earn points towards rewards. $1 = 1 point. 

    Once you’ve accrued enough points, you’ll be able to redeem them for exclusive Saie items.

  • Your points will expire after 1 year of inactivity.

  • Rewards can only be redeemed with a paid purchase. To redeem a reward, add a paid purchase to your cart first.