Say bye to stress hormones. – Saie

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Say bye to stress hormones.

One of our many focuses right now as individuals and as a team is looking for ways to bring small, grounding moments into our lives. We’re stating the obvious when we say that our world has looked pretty chaotic for a while, but as we consume news, stay informed and get involved, it’s important to pause and recharge during seasons of stress and uncertainty. 

A simple, grounding activity we’ve been incorporating into our routines that’s really made a noticeable difference for our minds and bodies is a weekly tension-relieving facial massage. 

Making Time for Massage 

Giving yourself a facial massage doesn’t need to be a long winded spa experience with candles lit and music playing in the background (not a bad idea though if that’s what you’re feeling). All you need is a cleanser, face oil or moisturizer, your hands, and a few minutes to really reap the inner and outer benefits of a facial massage. 

If setting aside dedicated time for a massage before bed or in the morning when you wake up isn’t possible, try using the cleansing or moisturizing step of your skincare routine to work the products into your skin with more intention. Pay special attention to the motions and pressure you’re applying to your face, and try putting your products on in a more methodical, thoughtful way, massaging the product into the parts of your face that collect tension, like your jaw and temples. 

The specifics of how you massage your face aren’t as important as making sure you’re physically and mentally experiencing some relief while you’re massaging. The point is to be intentional, slow things down and encourage your body to shut down the release of stress hormones. If tension feels like it’s leaving your body and being replaced with a sense of calm, you’re doing it right! 

The Benefits of a Facial Massage

Aside from the immediate tension release that comes with a facial massage, regularly massaging your face is a legitimate way to slowly transform your skin. When you massage your skin, it encourages both blood circulation and lymph drainage within your face, resulting in a brighter, tighter, and more resilient complexion. Lack of sleep, lack of hydration, overwork and daily stress all contribute to dull, tired skin, but regular physical touch and massage on your face can trigger the circulatory, lymphatic and sensory systems within your body to replenish skin from the inside out. 

From a mental and physiological standpoint, facial massages can lower cortisol levels (the hormone responsible for stress), blood pressure and heart rate, which leaves your body in a more relaxed and in-control state. We recommend incorporating some deep breathing exercises during your facial massage to promote relaxation throughout your entire body. 

Next time you’re feeling a wave of stress or overwhelm, try taking a few moments to breathe in deeply and spend some time slowly massaging your face and neck. Notice how you feel before and after. Even if a quick facial massage is something  that brings just a *little bit* of extra relaxation and joy to your day, that’s something to notice and savor in our book. :)

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