2020 Intentions – Saie

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2020 Intentions

A new decade has officially arrived! It’s been a completely crazy but really exciting and fulfilling year for a million different reasons (the biggie being we officially launched Saie and we’re so happy to be bringing all of you clean beauty that works), and we can’t wait to see what 2020 is gonna do. This year, instead of creating a list of traditional resolutions, we’re looking back at all of the moments we are most proud of from 2019, and setting some mindful intentions to start the new year right. Here’s what we are most proud of this past year, and what we hope to embrace in 2020.



2019 Highlights: By far the highlight of my year was launching Saie. It’s been a dream I’ve had for so long and to see it come to life has been unbelievably rewarding...and it’s only the beginning! Other highlights include winning the Elle Future of Beauty Award for our Liquid Lip Balm, and facilitating our first gift with purchase!

2020 Intention: To remember that I am supported and to live gracefully. This is a layered, circular intention for me. When I say "supported" I mean by the universe first and foremost. Time and time again the universe has given me everything I dreamt of, but I have to remember to ask. When I say universe I’m also referring to my spirit guides, my family, and my Saie team. I often feel like I have to do everything on my own for something to get done, but I'm so much more successful when I look to everyone I just mentioned for support and help. This leads me to the second part of my 2020 intention. Living gracefully only happens for me when I feel supported, calm, confident and strong. I have to have faith to feel those things, which goes back to the first part! :) 



2019 Highlights: I have a few highlights that touch on multiple different aspects of my life. The first is joining the Saie team this past year and launching with a bang! Another highlight was opening our coffee shop, Neighborhood, with my husband. Last but absolutely not least was having my newest daughter, Adeline, and becoming a family of four! 

2020 Intention: My intention for 2020 is to stay present. Our world is so fast in every way, and I want to take time this year to pause, soak it in, and remind myself of all the wonderful things in my life. 



2019 Highlights: 2019 was amazing! Working on the Saie launch was a huge highlight for me, as well as moving into my new apartment in Brooklyn and (at last!) getting to see all of the castles in France that I studied for my masters in art history. 

2020 Intention: 2019 was a very inward year in a positive way for me. A lot of it was about realizing my inner potential. This year, I want to share and connect with others more as my true self, celebrating the things I’ve learned about who I am and bringing that out into the world and to others! 



2019 Highlights: Wrapping up my first full year in LA and absolutely loving it. Developing, building, and ultimately launching Saie was another huge highlight from my year! Finally, making so many amazing new friends and business relationships, and general good health and happiness. It was a great year! 

2020 Intention: My intention for 2020 is to learn to better accept what is out of my control. Another intention is to strive for excellence within my own definition of excellence: Striving to excel on my own terms, and being satisfied with the journey along the way!  



2019 Highlights: Joining the Saie team and launching our amazing products! 

2020 Intention: I don't really do New Years resolutions, because I don't like to frame the idea that I can make changes only around the beginning of the year. But I love the idea of an intention! My intention this year is to take the best care of myself I can, so that I'm in the best position I can be to excel in every area of my life. Work, friends and family, everything! For me, this looks like prioritizing time for yoga, pilates, or any sort of movement, going to bed super early and getting rest, and making sure I make time for hobbies. Taking a ceramics class, or any sort of art class is definitely on my list for this year.



2019 Highlights: My biggest highlight of 2019 was getting married back in August! We had 70 of our closest friends join us in Calistoga, the north end of the Napa Valley. It was beautiful! Another highlight was getting a new puppy. We got an Australian Shepherd and named him Boba. He has quickly become the center of our universe and is definitely a spoiled puppy. Finally, this past May I crossed the one year mark of living in San Francisco! It’s the longest I’ve lived outside of NYC and I feel like I’m quickly becoming a West Coaster! 

2020 Intention: I want to focus more on my mental health this year.. 2019 was a wonderful but crazy-busy year and I've been feeling a bit uncentered. I want to enter this new decade by clearing out the mental clutter! 

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